Hello! Welcome to Fancade, the mobile app where you can play thousands of games, or make your own!
Most users start by playing Quest and then explore Battle or Arcade. (Get the best experience with Premium.)
What makes Fancade truly unique is that all those games were made with the app itself! And you can build your own games, and even script entirely new mechanics.
Search this wiki using the box above. If you can't find answers to your questions, visit our Discord chat for help. Maybe expand the wiki as well with our guide!
All pages
- Arcade
- Battle
- Blocks/AND
- Blocks/Absolute
- Blocks/Accelerometer
- Blocks/Add Constraint
- Blocks/Add Force
- Blocks/Add Numbers
- Blocks/Add Vectors
- Blocks/Angular Limits
- Blocks/Angular Motor
- Blocks/Angular Spring
- Blocks/Axis Angle
- Blocks/Box Art Sensor
- Blocks/Box and Sphere
- Blocks/Break Rotation
- Blocks/Break Vector
- Blocks/Camera Orbit
- Blocks/Ceiling
- Blocks/Collision
- Blocks/Combine
- Blocks/Comment
- Blocks/Cos
- Blocks/Create Object
- Blocks/Cross Product
- Blocks/Current Frame
- Blocks/Decrease Number
- Blocks/Destroy Object
- Blocks/Distance (old)
- Blocks/Distance
- Blocks/Divide
- Blocks/Dot Product
- Blocks/Equal Numbers
- Blocks/Equal Objects
- Blocks/Equal Truths
- Blocks/Equal Vectors
- Blocks/Floor
- Blocks/Get Position
- Blocks/Get Size
- Blocks/Get Variable
- Blocks/Get Velocity
- Blocks/Greater Than
- Blocks/If
- Blocks/Increase Number
- Blocks/Inspect
- Blocks/Inverse
- Blocks/Joystick and Button
- Blocks/LERP
- Blocks/Late Update
- Blocks/Less Than
- Blocks/Line vs Plane
- Blocks/Linear Limits
- Blocks/Linear Motor
- Blocks/Linear Spring
- Blocks/List Element
- Blocks/Logarithm
- Blocks/Look Rotation
- Blocks/Loop
- Blocks/Lose
- Blocks/Make Rotation
- Blocks/Make Vector
- Blocks/Max
- Blocks/Menu Item
- Blocks/Min
- Blocks/Modulo
- Blocks/Multiply
- Blocks/NOT
- Blocks/Negate
- Blocks/Normalize
- Blocks/Number
- Blocks/OR
- Blocks/Pass Through
- Blocks/Play Sensor
- Blocks/Play Sound
- Blocks/Power
- Blocks/Random Seed
- Blocks/Random
- Blocks/Raycast
- Blocks/Rotate
- Blocks/Rotation
- Blocks/Round
- Blocks/Scale
- Blocks/Screen Size
- Blocks/Screen To World
- Blocks/Script Block
- Blocks/Set Bounciness
- Blocks/Set Camera
- Blocks/Set Friction
- Blocks/Set Gravity
- Blocks/Set Light
- Blocks/Set Locked
- Blocks/Set Mass
- Blocks/Set Position
- Blocks/Set Reference
- Blocks/Set Score
- Blocks/Set Variable
- Blocks/Set Velocity
- Blocks/Set Visible
- Blocks/Sin
- Blocks/Stop Sound
- Blocks/Subtract Numbers
- Blocks/Subtract Vectors
- Blocks/Swipe Sensor
- Blocks/Touch Sensor
- Blocks/Truth (True & False)
- Blocks/Vector
- Blocks/Volume Pitch
- Blocks/Win
- Blocks/World To Screen
- Browse
- Build
- Build/Are there any video tutorials?
- Build/Are there fonts in Fancade?
- Build/Basics of Tweening
- Build/Box Art
- Build/Can't change editing option
- Build/Can't find buttons, motors, characters?
- Build/Can't move camera in edit mode?
- Build/Editing options
- Build/Game tags
- Build/Getting started?
- Build/How can I delete a block?
- Build/How do I attach a wire to a block when they don't both fit on screen?
- Build/How do I convert an execution order wire into a truth (and back)?
- Build/How do I make my own custom blocks?
- Build/How do I send a game as a bug report?
- Build/How do you rotate blocks?
- Build/How glue makes blocks stick together and form larger objects
- Build/How many custom blocks can I nest inside each other?
- Build/How to convert traditional loop into new Loop block?
- Build/How to create Drive Mad games
- Build/How to create a circle
- Build/How to create a copy of a custom block to edit it separately from the original?
- Build/How to get your game featured?
- Build/How to make a car
- Build/How to make a stair?
- Build/How to make hexagons?
- Build/How to publish a game
- Build/Is there a limit to how many blocks I can use?
- Build/Publish & Update
- Build/Script Colors
- Build/What is one block size?
- Build/What screen aspect ratio should I design my game for?
- Build/Which direction is X,Y,Z?
- Build/Why did the character break when I edit it?
- Build/Why does my game set to the camera in build mode when testing?
- Build/Why won't my Destroy Object destroy an object?
- Build/nn
- Building Tools
- Categories/Daily challenge
- Categories/List of Captions
- Categories/List of Daily challenges
- Categories/List of Featured Games (unknown date)
- Categories/List of Featured Games in 2020
- Categories/List of Featured Games in 2021
- Categories/List of Featured Games in 2022
- Categories/List of Featured Games in 2023
- Categories/List of Featured Games in 2024
- Categories/List of Featured Games
- Categories/List of Top Games
- Coins
- Discord
- Documentation/Failed to Load
- Documentation/First time using Fancade?
- Documentation/How to make a synthetic script block
- Documentation/Want to change password or forgot it?
- Events/FanJam
- Events/FanWeek
- Events/GuffoChallenges
- Fancade Beta
- Fancade Characters
- Fancade Web
- Fancade colors in hex format
- Games/1024
- Games/2Dots
- Games/3D Sokoban
- Games/8D
- Games/Aiming Game
- Games/Alberts Quest
- Games/Apescape
- Games/ArcTan
- Games/Around
- Games/Away
- Games/BOLT
- Games/BOOMpix
- Games/Bally
- Games/Bath Flood
- Games/Battery Balance
- Games/Battery Sorting
- Games/Benchmark
- Games/Billiards
- Games/BlenD
- Games/Blob
- Games/Blocked
- Games/Blocky Goal
- Games/Bomb Blast
- Games/Bot Collide
- Games/Bounce Down
- Games/Bounce Up
- Games/Box Factory
- Games/BreakPix
- Games/Bridge Builder
- Games/Bubbles
- Games/Bumbly Bee
- Games/Canals
- Games/Candyman
- Games/Carriers
- Games/Centipede
- Games/Chess
- Games/Chirpz
- Games/Cloudies
- Games/Color Break
- Games/Color It
- Games/Color Switch
- Games/Colorjump
- Games/Colour Blockade
- Games/Confuzzle
- Games/Cookie Blast
- Games/Crash The Car
- Games/Crawlers Balance
- Games/Crossing Dashes
- Games/Cube Quest
- Games/Dark Castle
- Games/Dash
- Games/Dashr
- Games/DeHEX 50
- Games/DeSwipe
- Games/Descent
- Games/Differ Hall
- Games/Dino Bros
- Games/Dino Jump
- Games/Dinoman
- Games/Ditto
- Games/Dodging Game
- Games/Draw And Pass
- Games/Drive Mad Winter
- Games/Drive Mad
- Games/Drobeelo
- Games/Drop Down
- Games/Dropformer
- Games/Dungeon Dash
- Games/Duo Cubes
- Games/Entrenched
- Games/Evil Clones
- Games/Excelaball
- Games/Explosive Escape
- Games/Extreme Painist
- Games/FRC
- Games/Fall Off
- Games/Fanjong
- Games/FarAway
- Games/Fixed Path
- Games/Fixel
- Games/Flappy Chirpz
- Games/Flappy
- Games/Flatland
- Games/Flingaround
- Games/Flip It
- Games/Flip Out
- Games/Floods
- Games/Floppy Fish
- Games/Flowered Madness
- Games/Frames
- Games/Fraud
- Games/Fruit Jam
- Games/GRAvity
- Games/Gap Passer Bot
- Games/Ghost Guide
- Games/Gobble
- Games/Gold Rush
- Games/Goup Chick
- Games/Gravitix
- Games/Gravity Collide
- Games/H (by HexaPhoenix)
- Games/Helicade A
- Games/Hexalink
- Games/Hoops
- Games/Hope
- Games/Hoppy
- Games/Hyper Car
- Games/Infected
- Games/Infinity Ban
- Games/Jelly
- Games/JumpCade
- Games/Kalituhan
- Games/Komplex
- Games/LE4P
- Games/Laser Car
- Games/Laser Push
- Games/Layerinth
- Games/Layerue
- Games/Leaper
- Games/Light Bounce
- Games/Limit Bluegon
- Games/Line to End
- Games/Link
- Games/Linked Bots
- Games/Little Archery
- Games/Little Jump
- Games/Loading
- Games/Longcat
- Games/Lumberjack
- Games/M A G E
- Games/Machine Test Inc
- Games/Minecade
- Games/Mini Golf
- Games/Monster Match
- Games/Monster Tracks
- Games/Morpheus
- Games/Move It
- Games/MovemeNT
- Games/Multislide
- Games/NOICE
- Games/Ngglinding
- Games/Nick
- Games/Night Fly
- Games/Ninja Tower
- Games/Nn1
- Games/Nn2
- Games/Nonsense
- Games/Noodle
- Games/Odd Bot
- Games/Odd Drive
- Games/One Cut
- Games/OneTouch
- Games/Only One Way
- Games/Orange Launcher
- Games/Orange N Black
- Games/Orb Match
- Games/Oren Ball
- Games/Osmosis
- Games/Paint The Beat
- Games/Painty Cube
- Games/Painty Tumbler
- Games/Pancake Sorting
- Games/Park The Van
- Games/Parriez Clever
- Games/Path Seeker
- Games/Peg Solitaire
- Games/Pianist
- Games/Pigments
- Games/Pivot
- Games/Pixzle
- Games/Plumbing
- Games/Pool
- Games/PopCorn
- Games/Popix
- Games/Power Boxes
- Games/Project 100
- Games/Puffin Road
- Games/Purple Alert
- Games/Push Bridge
- Games/Pushbox
- Games/PuzzleFaces
- Games/Railgunner
- Games/Rally Legend
- Games/Rapid Fire
- Games/Re Loading
- Games/Rebound
- Games/Recoil
- Games/Red Shadow
- Games/RedBlue
- Games/RemakeGames/Recoil Remake
- Games/Replace
- Games/Replacement
- Games/Reversi
- Games/Roller
- Games/Room 39
- Games/Roper
- Games/Rotix
- Games/Rubiks Cube
- Games/Ruin Castle
- Games/Run
- Games/Shield
- Games/Shoot It
- Games/Simple Loop
- Games/Skillteam
- Games/Sluggy Sokoban
- Games/Snake BITe
- Games/SnakeMania
- Games/Snek Left
- Games/Snek Warfare
- Games/SokoPieces
- Games/Sokoaddons
- Games/Sokoban Isles
- Games/Sokonnect
- Games/Sokoplode
- Games/Solevader
- Games/Solitaire
- Games/Speed King
- Games/Sphere Spurter
- Games/Spolemonium
- Games/Square Wars
- Games/Stacktris
- Games/Sudoku Infinite
- Games/Swipe Assassin
- Games/Switch
- Games/TR3AP
- Games/Takota
- Games/The Beam
- Games/The Button
- Games/The Four
- Games/The Keypad II
- Games/This Side Up
- Games/Tiny Tracks
- Games/Tower Stack
- Games/Tower of Hanoi
- Games/Toy Tanks
- Games/Tpyo
- Games/Trampoline
- Games/Transporter
- Games/Tumble II
- Games/Tumble
- Games/Turbo Tracks
- Games/Turn The World
- Games/Turnbox
- Games/Untangle
- Games/Vamprotect
- Games/Vanilla Ball
- Games/Verbal Alchemy
- Games/Void
- Games/Wall of Doom
- Games/Water Cube
- Games/Wheally RC
- Games/Wireless
- Games/Word Search
- Games/Wordy Wizard
- Games/Worm Out
- Games/Worm
- Games/Wuzo
- Games/XurChooChoo
- Games/YALG
- Games/Znake
- Games/a
- Games/b
- Games/c
- Games/d
- Games/e
- Games/f
- Games/g
- Games/h
- Games/i
- Games/iC2
- Games/j
- Games/k
- Games/l
- Games/m
- Games/ooo
- Games/rzsg3
- Games/z6px1
- Gems
- Home
- Instant Update & Publish
- Kits/Advanced tricks of Pivot Kit
- Kits/Game Kit
- Kits/Making kits
- Local multi-player games
- Martin Magni
- Moderation
- MrCrocodile
- Privacy Policy
- Quest
- Questions/Arcade search information
- Questions/Change or Forgot Password
- Questions/How do I copy or paste blocks?
- Questions/How do I make a wiki page?
- Questions/How do I post games to Twitter?
- Questions/How to change an object's collider during gameplay
- Questions/How to get high score verified
- Questions/How to share a game link?
- Questions/How was Fancade made (language, tools)?
- Questions/Sync between devices
- Questions/What are some common problems related to execution order
- Questions/What platforms does Fancade support
- Questions/Why doesn't my game appear on search
- Questions/Will there be multi-player?
- Script/Angle between two vectors
- Script/Basic scripting
- Script/Blocks
- Script/Can I avoid using IF for X = Y statements?
- Script/Can I avoid using IF for X greater than Y
- Script/Can we change pos smoothly like LERP?
- Script/Collider
- Script/Constraints
- Script/Control flow
- Script/Execution Order
- Script/Getting the geometric position of an object
- Script/How can I add a Virtual Gamepad or UI Buttons to my game?
- Script/How can I attach several script block wires to one input?
- Script/How can I force a screen to be locked either horizontal or vertical?
- Script/How can I put a script into the script block?
- Script/How do I determine the position of a script block?
- Script/How do I get the block that the script is in?
- Script/How do I get the camera's position, rotation, and distance?
- Script/How do I know which object is being tapped?
- Script/How do I make a Wait block?
- Script/How do I make a timer count down from 60 seconds?
- Script/How do I make a variable global?
- Script/How do I make an object go in the direction its facing?
- Script/How do I rotate an object towards another object at a constant speed?
- Script/How do you make the Collision work only for specific objects?
- Script/How many frames per second?
- Script/How to attach a wire to a block?
- Script/How to attach several wires to the same input of a script?
- Script/How to change the background color on play?
- Script/How to check if something is on the floor?
- Script/How to check whether I'm pressing on the left or right side of the screen?
- Script/How to determine if a number is valid, NaN or Inf?
- Script/How to get the speed (scalar) of an object?
- Script/How to loop over a small set of known variables easily?
- Script/How to make a PD Controller?
- Script/How to make a list of list or a 2D list?
- Script/How to make a new collision script
- Script/How to make a timer event?
- Script/How to make music?
- Script/How to make the player win when it reaches a certain height?
- Script/How to properly attach ports on custom script blocks?
- Script/How to provide a default value as input for my scripts?
- Script/How to remove the shadows
- Script/How to rename custom script block plug labels?
- Script/How to round number to the nearest multiple of X?
- Script/How to show the script blocks and wires in play mode, box art?
- Script/How to turn several truth values into one number?
- Script/How to use the shop system?
- Script/I connected my script to the Play Sensor, so why does it still run every frame?
- Script/Introduction to Editor Scripting
- Script/Limitations in Fancade scripting
- Script/Raycast in same direction as object?
- Script/Saved Variables
- Script/Script Limit
- Script/Tap to pick closest object
- Script/What zoom will fit a given number of blocks on screen?
- Script/Why are the wires and plugs in my script invisible?
- Script/Why does my physics object not fall?
- Script/Why does my score always contain .0?
- Script/Why doesn't loop work in my hexagon script?
- Script/Why is created obj not detected by raycast?
- Script/Why my script block is only able to see Index 0 of a list?
- Script/Why won't my sound play?
- Script/Wire Splits
- Terms Of Use
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- Visual scripting
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