Odd Drive by Andrew C is a hill climb racing game where you must try to drive as far as possible without running out of fuel.


In each of the modes, you spawn as a rally car in some form of terrain. You move forward to the right, and backwards to the left. Different maps feature different obstacles. In the top right, there is a fuel gauge showing how much fuel you have left. The red jerry cans will refill your car to full no matter what your current fuel load is. As the game goes on, the distance between the jerry cans increases, making it more difficult to complete the next stage. When you run out of petrol, your car goes into neutral drive (coasting) based solely on its previous momentum. Death is caused by standing still having no petrol. It is perfectly possible to run out of fuel and coast to the next jerry can without dying.

You gain points by moving forward. You may gain additional points by doing a front flip.

The game features 3 stages; Earth, Rainbow, and Moon.

  • On Earth, the gravity is normal, and flips are worth 25 points. You have 3 main obstacles, wooden curbs, wooden stairs, and small tyres which fall from atop a hill.
  • On Rainbow, the gravity is normal, and flips are worth 25 points. You have 3 main obstacles, jumps, spline bridges, and small boulders which work in teh same way as the tyres on Earth.
  • On Moon, the gravity is low, and flips are worth 10 points. The lower gravity makes it more difficult to collect the jerry cans as you spend more time in the air.

External Links

Demo Gameplay (Level 1)