Infected by Tzomby, is a game where you control a car that must protect a group of people from being attacked by zombies.
You begin with a car inside of a circle, surrounded by a city landscape with a grid-like set of streets. Inside that circle is a group of people in a cage. You have two jobs with the car; to kill zombies which come towards the cage, and to drive around looking for cage supplies.
The zombies will approach the cage and wear it down. The level of damage is indicated by the red ring around the car. When the ring is flashing, the cage is under attack. Driving into a zombie kills it instantly, and collecting metal beams for the cage increases the cage durability somewhat, shown by the circle refilling around the car.
Death is caused by a failure of the cage, allowing the zombies to attack the group of people. Your score is determined by how long you keep this group of people alive, as shown by the timer.