Fancade is also available as a web app! Go to to play Fancade in a browser!

Linking to Games

A link to a published game can be generated in the web app (and also in the regular app after version 1.7 is released) by clicking the 'Share' button for that game.

Links to games have the following format: where '5F084A0BCE06B710' is the game's unique identifier.

The web app will load the linked game and directly start the first level.

Setting Start Level of Linked Games

The starting level of a linked game can be set by appending the level index to the end like this: The /8 part (after the game's unique identifier) sets the start level to 8, in this case.

Differences Compared to App

There are some differences between the web app and the regular app. Here is a summary:

  • Highscores, like/play counters use a separate system (we plan to merge these later)
  • All in-app purchases are disabled
  • Payouts are disabled
  • Need to log in to Fancade account to play challenges
  • Linked games start directly
  • Additional controls for mouse and keyboard (see below for a complete list)
  • Auto-save in edit mode
  • Dev pause mode with single-frame step
  • Can download games in 'Projects' to local file system
  • Can drag-and-drop files from local file system into web app. The game ends up in 'Projects'
  • Command line

Performance and Compatibility

If the game seems to run slow, check if hardware acceleration is enabled in your browser.

If the game doesn't run at all, there are usually some helpful messages shown (hopefully on screen but also in the web developer console). Fancade web has been tested and confirmed to work in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge, but there can be issues with video drivers etc. that'll prevent it from running. You can also try to disable hardware acceleration, but then the game will run much slower.

Additional Controls

The web app has additonal controls for mouse and keyboard.

In the info below, CMD and CTRL on macOS are treated as the same button.

Edit Mode

Input Description Other
Mouse + RMB OR Arrow keys OR WASD keys OR Keypad Pan Shift pans slower. Pan is default in xz-plane only but using ALT unlocks free pan like in the app
Mouse scroll wheel OR Keypad +/- OR ./, (period and comma) OR ? and ´ keys (the two buttons at the right of 0) Zoom Shift and CTRL modifies speed
Mouse + MMB OR O key Orbit Shift orbits slower, CTRL snaps angle, ALT snaps angle to topdown view
LMB + CTRL Toggle selection of mouse-hovered block  
LMB + CTRL + Mouse move Rectangle select adds to current selection  
Backspace OR Delete Remove block Removes selected blocks first. If no blocks are selected, it removes the block that the mouse hovers over. Holding down Shift continuously removes all blocks that the mouse hovers over.
TAB key Open command line See separate section about the command line
E key Open / Close block or open the first settings  
1, 2 and 3 key Open the selected block's settings 1 opens the first settings, 2 the second etc.
T key Open / Close block for painting  
I key Open / Close inventory  
F key Focus on selected / Auto-fit camera Auto-fits camera if no blocks are selected
G key Camera pitch snap Same as tapping on the camera button
Shift + F key Fill block with current paint Only available in paint block mode
CTRL + C key Copy blocks  
CTRL + V key Paste blocks  
CTRL + X key Cut blocks  
Q key + LMB Drag Paint with the current selection. Uses mouse normal to limit the paint plane. Need to hold down Q while painting. CTRL limits to y-plane, Shift limits to z-plane, ALT limits to x-plane, ALT + Shift limits to the line the mouse normal points towards
CTRL + S key Save game in the browser's local storage This is not a normal file in the filesystem. Local storage can easily be cleared, so it is recommended to download the game as a local file regularly using CTRL + Shift + S
CTRL + Shift + S key Save the game as a local file Such local files can later be dragged and dropped over the browser window to restore a lost game file or for collaboration projects
CTRL + Z key Undo  
CTRL + Shift + Z key Redo  
Escape key Go back or Close  
CTRL Toggle variable type between local, global and saved while editing a variable name  
Shift + / Print coordinate of selection the mouse hovers and actual script limit in bottom-left corner  
Shift + LMB Drag Snap ports to default voxel positions while dragging a wire  

Block Paint Mode

Input Description Other
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Select tab  
CTRL + F Bucket fill with selected color  

Play Mode

Input Description Other
Arrow keys Generate directional swipes with minor offset along secondary direction + Generating fake accelerometer inputs Shift and Alt modifies the distance. Special cases when detecting the Virtual Gamepad or Neo Joystick
WASD Same as arrow keys but with opposite minor offset along secondary direction Shift and ALT modifies the distance
Keypad keys Same as arrow keys but no secondary direction offsets Shift and ALT modifies the distance
TFGH Fake accelerometer Shift and ALT modifies the angle amount, CTRL adds white noise to the output
IJKL Tap like it was an on-screen control in left-right-back-forward  
Space key OR Keypad 5 Tap middle  
Z key Tap left middle  
X key Tap right middle  
Escape key Tap top left  
Enter key Tap top right  
P key Pause / Resume  
Mouse + RMB Pan with fake gesture  
Mouse scroll wheel OR ? and ´ keys OR Keypad +/- (the two buttons at the right of 0) Zoom with fake gesture Shift and ALT modifies speed
Mouse + MMB Orbit with fake gesture  
Mouse + MMB + CTRL Pitch with fake gesture  
CTRL + R key Restart Also works in the pause menu
CTRL + P key Enters "dev pause mode" where the game is paused without the pause UI showing  
Shift + P key Steps a single frame forward in "dev pause mode" Only works in edit mode


Input Description Other
Mouse scroll wheel OR Up and down arrow keys Scroll up and down  
Left and right arrow keys Switches tab in main menu  
Enter key Tap the "focus" button  
Escape key Close or back  
CTRL + Q Eject / Exit game in pause menu  

Top Menu

CTRL + S key Save the selected game as a local file Only works in "Projects" or if the current logged-in user is the author of the game
Files dropped onto window Create a new game in "Projects" for each file Only works in the top menu. Doesn't work if the file exists or if the current logged-in user is not the author of that game (and the game is not editable). This can be used for turn-based collaboration.

Command Line

The command line is opened by the TAB key and can be used for quickly adding blocks to the level or the hotbar.

Input Description Other
Enter Execute command OR Enter selected suggestion  
TAB Enter selected suggestion  
Up and Down Arrows Navigate up and down in the list of suggestions  


Command Description Other
Prefab Name Adds a block of type Prefab Name  
h Prefab Name Adds a block of type Prefab Name to the hotbar  
find Variable Name OR Prefab Name Find and focus on use of Prefab Name or Variable Name Use Enter to keep searching for the next block.
ren Old Variable Name , New Variable Name Renames a variable  
tg Toggle Name Toggles an option (DebugPhysics is the only option available for now which draws colliders in edit-play mode)  
cl Level Number OR n (next) OR p (previous) Changes level  
EditorScript Open editor script editor  

Editor Scripting

There is an experimental editor scripting editor available that can be used for things like auto-tiling and procedural level creation. The editor is opened by the EditorScript command in the command line.

Editor scripts are written in Javascript and here are some code examples:

// Find prefab by name
var prefabIndex = findPrefab('MyPrefab'); // Returns 0 if not found 

// Set block at position (x, y, z) in level or open block
setBlock(x, y, z, prefabIndex); 

// Remove block at position (x, y, z) in level or open block
setBlock(x, y, z, 0);

// Update changes after using setBlock()
updateChanges(); // Time-consuming, don't do this after each call to setBlock()

// Get block at position (x, y, z) in level or open block
var prefabIndex = getBlock(x, y, z);

// Set block value (number, first value) at position (x, y, z)
setBlockValue(x, y, z, 0, 15); // If a number block is at (x, y, z), it will get the value 15
// Set block value (string, first value) at position (x, y, z)
setBlockValue(x, y, z, 0, "Text"); // If a comment block is at (x, y, z), it will get the value "Text"

// Set block value (vector, first value) at position (x, y, z)
setBlockValue(x, y, z, 0, [1, 2, 3]);

// Connect blocks at position (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) using terminal indices index1 and index2
connect(x1, y1, z1, index1, x2, y2, z2, index2);
// Get terminal name of block at (x, y, z) and terminal index (empty string if missing)
getTerminalName(x, y, z, index);
// Get terminal type of block at (x, y, z) and terminal index (-1 if missing)
getTerminalType(x, y, z, index);

// Log printout (only for strings and numbers for now)
log("Found a prefab " + prefabIndex);

// Clear log

// Get size of level or open block
var size = getSize(); // Returns an array [x, y, z]

// Get number of levels
var count = getLevelCount();

// Get current level index
var levelIndex = getLevel();

// Change level
setLevel((levelIndex + 1) % count);

// Get version of the editor script engine
var version = getVersion();

// Start of Fancade Beta features, //

// Listen to events (Beta only)
setEventListener("block-placed", function(x, y, z) {
    // Callback function called when a block is placed at (x, y, z)

setEventListener("update", function() {
    // Callback function called each frame (also in play mode)

setEventListener("keydown", function(key) {
    // Callback function called when a key is pressed
    // The key is a number. See for a complete list

setEventListener("keyup", function(key) {
    // Callback function called when a key is released
    // The key is a number. See for a complete list

// Select block (Beta only)
selectAt(x, y, z);

// Get selected block count (Beta only)
if (getSelectedCount() === 1) {
    // A single block is selected

// Check if the game is paused (Beta only)
if (isGamePaused()) {
    // In pause menu

// Check if Fancade is in play mode (Beta only)
if (isGamePlaying()) {
    // Not in edit mode

// Check if a key is down (Beta only)
// Key number list:
if (isKeyDown(55)) {
    // '7' key is down

// Generate test input (swipes and taps, beta only)
generateSwipe(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, durationFrames, touchIndex);


Input Description Other
F1 Contextual help Open a wiki help page in a new tab. Selecting or hovering over (in the inventory) a stock prefab opens up the wiki page for that prefab.

Collaboration with Export/Import

It is possible to collaborate on a project by using the following procedure:

  • Press CTRL + S in the game's menu to download a game from 'Projects' to the computer's local filesystem
  • Send the file to the person you collaborate with
  • That person then drags and drops the file into the browser window running the Fancade web app (only works in the top menu)
  • The game will end up in 'Projects' and can be further edited and then exported with CTRL + S and sent back

NOTE: When importing a game with drag-and-drop, that game must first be removed.

NOTE: The first user who publish the game is the only one who can later update it.


The size of the web app canvas can be controlled with parameters.

This is useful when checking if a game works well on different screen sizes and orientations.

Parameter Description Other
max_w Maximum width of the canvas Default value is 1024
max_h Maximum height of the canvas Default value is 768
ar_w Aspect ratio width In a 4/3 aspect ratio, this parameter should be 3. If any of the ar_w or ar_h is set, the aspect ratio is forced and limited by the max_w and max_h parameters
ar_h Aspect ratio height In a 4/3 aspect ratio, this parameter should be 4. If any of the ar_w or ar_h is set, the aspect ratio is forced and limited by the max_w and max_h parameters
istart=1 Instantly start the game without pressing "Play" Default value is 0
edit=1 Start the game in the editor Default value is 0
lv The level index to start at Default value is 0

The size of the canvas is never greater than the browser window's inner size.

If any of the aspect ratio parameters are set, the aspect ratio is enforced.

The width and height of the canvas is always maximized given the constraints from max_w, max_h, ar_w and ar_h.

Some examples of how to use the parameters:

Link Description Forces aspect ratio to 16/9 and maximizes the size Forces aspect ratio to 9/16 and restricts the height to max 800


It is possible to embed Fancade Web within an iframe, and in that way publish linked games on sites like Here is an example of an HTML file that can be used for embedding a Fancade game:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
      * {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
      #fancade {
        border: 0;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        overflow: hidden;
        position: absolute;
    <iframe id="fancade" src="" frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%" title="A Title"></iframe> 