The Keypad II
The Keypad II is an enigmatic puzzle game created by LukaszM. This is the sequel to the series. Although the style of puzzle may turn off casual players as it is much harder than any other puzzle style, it was featured anyway. There are 20 levels.
In this game there is a number display taking 8 digits as an answer to the puzzles, buttons for each digit and a backspace to clear the last digit. The task is to figure out how to solve the puzzle. When an answer is correct, its next puzzle is shown, until solving the final answer, to which the display will move and reveals "AMAZING!"
Highlight from the start to the end of the appropriate part of the puzzle to see the solution. Desktop: mouse down and hold, and drag. Mobile: hold down the text and drag endpoints of selection.
- Description Convert each letter of the word "FANCADE" to its respective index in the alphabet, starting with A = 1. Doing this yields 61143145.
- ↑↓ Rotate your phone upside-down. This yields a new number, 59265890.
- Diagonal Numbers ab represents exponentiation. Evaluating 252 equates to 33554432.
- Percents From top to bottom, convert each percent into a simplified fraction. This yields 3/4, 9/10, 7/20. Remove the slashes and concatenate to get 34910720.
- Planets Trivia question: search for the Uranus' discovery date in the format. It should give you 17810313 without the symbols.
- Decimal Numbers Convert the following numbers top-to-bottom from hexadecimal (0-F clue) to decimal, giving 18 65 96 41.
- F→C Convert the first two numbers from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and the last two numbers the other way. This should make 5 30 68 203.
- Sudoku Solve the Sudoku and read the two arrows, getting 32412134.
- Symbols Count the number of occurrences above of each symbol at the bottom, returning 68428275.
- Letters Interpret each as a symbol in the periodic table, then find the corresponding atomic number, leaving 6 23 116 53 as the answer.
- Sequence What is shown is the Fibonacci sequence. Find its 38th term, resulting in 39088169.
- Circle Write the digit in the answer and rotate the arrow clockwise by that amount of steps. Repeat until 8 digits have been given, returning 23695670.
- LCM Get the lowest common multiple of the three numbers, which evaluates into 14335650.
- Number Pairs Find the Euclidean distance of the two numbers, starting from 1 and going up. This results in 45273576.
- Pieces Solve the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle. After solving it, get the pieces' corresponding numbers, from left to right. That should result in 78026391.
- Turn Right For each number from 1 to 8, traverse in that direction. Once the wall or edge is hit, turn right, until it hits another. Path lengths should give the digits of the answer, 95746863.
- 12345678 Swap the first to third digits with fifth to seventh, then the fourth to fifth with seventh to eighth. Repeat again to yield 82471635.
- Spiral Continue to expand the spiral sequence, then read the top-right diagonal until there are 8 digits in the answer, then the bottom-right diagonal. This gives 02123056 and 08244880.
- Meta This is solved by taking the respective digit from the previous puzzles. This is composed of two parts, which depends on the previous puzzle. Combining gives 77418233.
- Top-right. Pieces, Sudoku, Percents, 12345678: 7?41??3?
- Bottom-right. Planets, F→C, Symbols, Turn Right: ?7??82?3
- Nothing ( ;) )