Line to End
Line to End is a Fancade puzzle game. You must swipe to move, and you leave a path by where you pass. You objective is to fulfill some conditions from blocks in each level and reach the end.
Basics Each level has blocks with conditions that need to be fulfilled. You must fulfill each one of them and reach the end.
Points The white points needs to be collected by the player before reaching the end.
Roman The Roman Blocks count how many blocks are non-diagonally adjacent to them and their quantity needs to be equal to their number.
Dice The Dice Blocks work the same way as the roman numbers, but diagonally.
Blocks In the Blocks section, you learn that normal wall blocks counts towards the quantity for the Dice and Roman blocks.
Key The key and doors are quite intuitive, but, it's important to know that doors work just like normal walls, and count to Roman and Dice numbers.
Color Different colors need to be separated by the player's line.
Numbers The Numbers Blocks need to be separated in a segment with the exact same quantity of "singular" blocks as their number. The block itself also counts as a singular block.
Extra Doors also count as singular blocks and are counted by Number Blocks.
Two The Black Player is just like the White Player, but it moves the opposite direction the White Players moves. About Gray points and Black points: Black points can only be collect by the Black Player and the Gray Points can be collected by any Player or by any block above it, like doors.
Special Levels
Strange: In this level, there's an invisible Black Player and an Invisible end.
Music: You need to listen to the music that plays sometimes and "reproduce it" with your line. High-pitched notes equals Up, Mid-pitched notes equals Middle, and Low-pitched notes equals Down. The solution is: Up, Down, Down, Up, Middle.