You can help improve the building community by becoming a moderator of new games! Check the "Moderate" box on the You page to reveal a new "Influence" heading on the Arcade page. Here's how it works:
Approval - This is where you decide whether a game should be approved or not. This is done on the basis or whether the game violates the Terms of Use. If you are unsure, you can ask other people, or simply avoid reviewing.
Category - This is where you indicate what type of project you are reviewing. Usually the project will not explicitly state its own type. Use your judgement to allocate a category. If there isn't one which stands out, choose "None". Again, if unsure, you can ask or avoid reviewing.
Quality - This is where you rate the quality of the game. 1 indicates a project (anything from a game, demo, kit, script) that is very bad, 5 indicates a project that is very good. This rating is entirely up to your own judgement.
Note the following:
- You need to sign in to a Fancade account to review games.
- Your vote will not be the final decision. Thus a game isn't automatically rejected or accepted after your review.
- You can't review you own games.
Q. Should I approve a "game" that's just a single grass block?
A. Yeah, just give it a low quality score.
Q. Should I approve a game that is an identical copy of another user's game?
A. No, this violates the Terms of Use under spamming "multiple essentially similar games".