Sets the position, rotation (angle) and range of the camera. Works in two modes: orthographic (isometric) and perspective.


  • Position: The coordinate of the camera's focus (defaults to the center of the world)
  • Rotation: The camera angle (defaults to a true isometric view of 35.264,45,0)
  • Range: This value depends on the mode of the camera


The camera uses the orthographic mode by default. If you look at the bottom right side of the hotbar, you'll find the perspective switch.

  • Orthographic mode

Using this mode is quite easy. To calculate the Range input, multiply the amount of blocks you need to fit on the screen by 5.

  • Perspective mode

Range is the angle of the bisecotor of the Field of View of the camera. The FoV of a human is considered 120°, so if you want to make first-person games, use 60° as Range.

Tip: if you want to adapt your 2D game to the perspective view, this is the way to do it. (The Size variable defines the amount of blocks you want to fit)